
Here are a few links to other sites on the Internet that provide additional information on medical marijuana and related issues. If you have other links to suggest, click here.

NORML: National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

Drug Policy Alliance, "Marijuana: The Facts"

U.S. Office Of National Drug Control Policy's
huge list of 'street terms' for marijuana

B.C. Compassion Club, Canada's largest
registered medical marijuana society

Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Club, Medical Page

HempFarm: Dedicated to reducing the use of petrochemicals and saving the world with hemp

"How Stuff Works": How Marijuana Works!

BBC Story: "Scientistc Crack Munchies Mystery"

Marijuana Myths Report: The Lindesmith Center

Hemp Car!

Ford South Africa allows workers to smoke pot

Amazing worldwide vegetarian restaurant listings

Big List of Companies Selling Hemp Products